Friday, August 29, 2008

Keep going

I watched Senator Hillary Clinton concede her presidential run to Barack Obama with sadness. For those of us who've been around the block a few times, who witnessed everything from Kennedy's assasination to the lunar landing to the premier of the Beatles on the Ed Sullivan show, we're a little skeptical about our politics.

And Senator Clinton has been through all that, and more. She has held a torch for women's rights for 35 years in both law and government and never faltered. For we of the sisterhood, there has been no skepticism regarding her skill and ability.

While the current race for President seems more about gender than about race, we're at a point where we can't turn back. We won't survive another 8 years of Bushonomics. The facts point to a similarity between John McCain and George Bush and that's no longer an option if we are to not only survive, but thrive.

Senator McCain's invitation to Sarah Palin to be his running mate smacks of "politics as usual." His choice was carefully crafted after the Democratic fact, much like investors waiting for a tip on an inside trade. She is two steps shy of keeping the little lady "pregnant and in the kitchen" with her ultra-conservative and anti-abortion stance.

Interestingly enough, the McCain campaign (and others) have denounced Obama for his lack of experience. I daresay the Republicans can no longer use that in their political strategy against the Dems. This woman knows nothing, and I won't vote for her just because she's a woman.

We're smarter than that.

Hillary left 18 million cracks in the ceiling and it's presumptuously selfish and egocentric for anyone else to pick up on that. We won't accept just anybody. We have the insight and verve and intelligence to decide whether this VP nomination would be a good candidate for Commander-in-Chief, should the (aging) Senator McCain need a replacement.

I think not. That alone is a reason to stick with the Obama/Biden ticket.


Richard Wall said...

Go to my blog! Richard

T Scott said...

Yes, sadness lives in my heart but, as the beat goes on, we regroup and plot...
The nomination of Ms. Palin is as transparent as the child who wheedles "but I only want one".
To rear back and strike out at the Dems is easy, harder still is to connect with what we can do within the confines of the "least of two evils".
When all else fails, love each other and those we see as painfully misguided, share a good red with your neighbor and watch your back; I'm gonna watch mine...
Thanks for the forum and yes, KEEP GOING!!!!!